“Wanita itu dinikahi karena empat hal, karena hartanya, karena kecantikannya, karena nasabnya, karena agamanya. Maka pilihlah alasan menikahinya ka
rena agamanya. Kalau tidak maka rugilah engkau (Muttafaqun ‘alaih dari Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu ‘anhu)
:: = Who You Marry =::
"The woman in marriage because of four things, because of his wealth, because of her beauty, because of their lineage, because of his religion. Then choose a reason to marry karena religion. If not then rugilah you (Agreed ' alaih from Abu hurayrah Radi ' anhu)
"The woman in marriage because of four things, because of his wealth, because of her beauty, because of their lineage, because of his religion. Then choose a reason to marry karena religion. If not then rugilah you (Agreed ' alaih from Abu hurayrah Radi ' anhu)
4 November 2012
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